KeyNews Summer 2022

November 4, 2022

President’s Message

Hello PCCFA members and friends,

From the newsletter team and I, belated greetings to our members and suppliers! It’s hard to excuse an August newsletter arriving in October, but we appreciate your patience. Our team of volunteers has put an enormous amount of energy into the new website that we will soon unveil, and as a result, we are behind in newsletters  production. We believe that our work with webCemeteries will justify this delay in the long term.

Because we are behind in the production of the newsletter, it is fortuitous in that we can promote the upcoming conference in Gettysburg. In-person conferences are back! Woo hoo! Please join us so that you can network with your peers or reacquaint yourself with old friends at our Sunday night reception and dinner. Monday morning will be filled with the speakers listed inside this newsletter. If you haven’t been to Gettysburg since elementary school in a yellow school bus, we encourage you to attend the conference where we will have a Monday afternoon private, guided tour of the battlefield.

Also, we are happy to note cemetery preservation efforts around the state. We think you will find that a lot is going on around the state relative to preservation. It is great to share such valuable information.

Another change is coming as your board has approved that the KeyNews will become a hybrid publication. Two of our four issues will be printed and mailed. As we analyzed our membership, ten percent have no e-mail on file with us, so every e-mailed newsletter or Constant Contact blast miss those members.

In closing, it is my pleasure to announce the 2023 MidAtlantic States Cemetery and Funeral Conference has been scheduled for November 8-10, 2023 at the Hard Rock Hotel in Atlantic City. Be sure to pencil this one on your calendar.

Don’t get spooked this Halloween. Sign up for the PCCFA Fall Conference!

All the best,

Dagny Neel Fitzpatrick

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