KeyNews Fall 2024

September 12, 2024

President’s Message

Growing up, my family traversed the state in a station wagon pulling a horse trailer to race atPennsylvania’s many county fairs. I learned to love this state as we headed down two-lane highwaysfollowing the summer racing schedule. Looking out to see corn growing, my father would always praise thefarmer’s industry. He was quick to point out that farming and procrastination did not mix. “Procrastination isthe grave in which opportunity is buried,” he would say.

An appropriate lead-in to tell you not to procrastinate about signing-up for our 2024 Fall Conference hostedby Laurel Hill, one of PA’s premier Funeral Home/Cemetery/Arboretum combinations. The conferencedates are October 20th and 21st. This is the first conference in the Philadelphia area since we were inValley Forge ten years ago. Pick your reason to attend: a content rich, robust speakers’ program; an easynetworking environment with other Pennsylvania cemeterians; a tour of the two, historic Laurel Hillcemeteries that continue to reimagine their purpose to meet today’s consumer and add civic value to theircommunity. You can find registration online at

The board of PCCFA has directed the newsletter committee to make our Summer (August) newsletter bothdigital and paper. This communication can only be effective for you as the information we have in our files.Please do not hesitate to update your contact information with me as your personnel or volunteers change. You can email me at

On behalf of Pennsylvania’s heritage and the families you serve, thank you for your everyday efforts andremember, don’t procrastinate! I look forward to seeing you in October in Philadelphia. Ernest L. Petersen, IIIPresidentKEY

Ernie Petersen

PCCFA President

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