KeyNews Spring 2022

May 1, 2022

President’s Message

Hello PCCFA members and friends,

The first year of my presidency feels like a blur, but here we are looking at gathering for your annual spring conference. Why do I say it is your conference? Education is part of our three legged stool building value for you, our members! By building on education, preservation and advocacy, we build a stronger and more resilient Pennsylvania cemetery industry.

From June 1st through June 3rd, we will be gathering at the Kalahari Resort and Conference Center in the Poconos. In this edition of the PCCFA KeyNews, you will find information about our speakers’ presentations, the agenda, and conference registration forms for both members and vendors. Please note that fillable PDFs of the registration forms are available on the PCCFA website. As Kalahair is one of the nation’s best water parks, you should not miss this opportunity to bring the family. Our special room rates includes four water park passes per room. Please use the following URL directly with Kalahari to get you to our special low room reservation rate.

Pennsylvania consumers, communities, and non-member funeral directors, cemeterians, and suppliers still benefit from our efforts such as working on legislation to lower cremation temperature for PA crematories. Whether you own and operate your own crematory OR partner with your local crematory; by lowering operation expenses, extension of crematory equipment life, and lower emissions benefit us all.

We hope that you will see the value in membership and your support is vital as we continue to evolve your association with your changing marketplace.

All the best,

Dagny Neel Fitzpatrick

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