KeyNews Winter 2023

March 29, 2023

President’s Message

Time marches on. It is hard to believe that this is my next to last President’s Message as we approach the end of my term at the annual meeting and spring conference. The next newsletter will give me an opportunity to reflect on my presidency, but this issue gets us looking towards our future. First, we are happy that the state legislature is getting on with their new legislative session, and we see the cremation temperature bill being reintroduced in both the House (by a D) and the Senate (by an R). Thank your representative and senator in advance for their support. Encourage them to co-sign the bill!

The PCCFA Spring Conference is coming to the Best Western Premier in the Harrisburg area on June 7th through the 9th. Jude Abraham and Ernie Petersen are sharing the conference chairmanship and already, I am hearing good things about the line-up. Be sure to stay tuned for important conference information coming to your inbox shortly. The PCCFA Spring Conference is not the only one on the horizon. We have the Mid-Atlantic States Cemetery and Funeral Conference in Atlantic City, November 8th through the 10th. This combination of five state associations attracts forty-five outstanding suppliers, engaging and informative speakers; and a fun wine-tasting event that people are already asking how to get signed up.

As a precursor to these conferences, we start a series of articles, Don’t Miss the 97%, written by Jason Cavett of webCemteries concerning the use of technology at your cemetery or funeral home. Mr. Cavett will be presenting on these subjects and more at the conferences. If there is something you don’t quite understand or want to go deeper into the subject, you will be able to ask the author himself!

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank you all again for your professionalism and compassion in serving the needs of the families that come to you. Everyone wants to talk about changes in consumer tastes from cremation to “mushroom suits.” Yes, that means we have to adapt. However, the two things that should never change are our compassion and professionalism.

All the best,
Dagny Neel Fitzpatrick

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