KeyNews Spring 2021
February 1, 2021
President’s Message
Welcome to the February 2021 edition of the PCCFA eKeynews. As Pennsylvania’s voice for cemeterians and funeral directors, I want to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts made by all of you as we face the COVID-19 pandemic. Certainly, you are members of the frontline workers as you assist families struggling to remember loved ones lost during these days. We also need to acknowledge all of our employees who continued to who everyday through a difficult winter to ensure the families we serve were honored with a dignified and respectful burial.
Spring 2021 brings our spring conference to mind. Chairman Harry Neel, with the assistance of Ernie Petersen, have set a date of June 6th-8th at the Eden Resort and Conference Center in Lancaster, PA. We will be carefully monitoring the vaccine rates and the status of COVID-19 variants as we approach these days. Please mark the dates in your calendar and hope that we will be able to hold the conference. Mr. Neel has put together a great line-up of educational programs, including continuing education for our funeral directors. I hope to see you there!
Speaking of conferences, you may wish to mark November 3-5, 2021 for the Mid-Atlantic States Cemetery and Funeral Conference at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City, NJ.
Our legislative chairman, Guy Saxton, and Lobbyist, Morgan Plant, have differed the annual legislative reception, typically held in late April or early May, due to the uncertainties referenced above, they will be looking to schedule the reception at a time later in the year. I’m sure our May newsletter will give you more information.
This issue includes a new article which I hope becomes a regular for our newsletter. What is something special you with to share about your cemetery? Let’s let our members tell everyone something that makes their cemetery unique. Humbly, I was asked to be the first by our newsletter editor, Dagny Neel-Fitzpatrick. You will find my response inside.
I urge all of you to be active members of PCCFA. The benefits of our association found inside, are magnified by your attendance at our conferences, sharing your thoughts and ideas with fellow members and getting to know your legislators. Help yourself and become involved.
Wishing you and those you love a safe passage through the months ahead to the warmth of spring and gathering with family & friends again.
Warm regards,
David Michener